bluegaspode;610849 Wrote: 
> Hi Wiigian, 
> this unfortunately is a known problem of the Squeezebox-Server (though
> there it only happens for tracks > 200) :(  (the bugreport is about
> albums, but later they found out it affected playlists as well).
> Actually I thought I worked around this problem in the meantime ...
> what version of SqueezePad are you using (you can see on the bottom
> left in the settings-screen of SqueezePad) ?
I'm using the latest version, updated via AppStore.
> Maybe just update first via the AppStore before doing further
> investigations.
> If the problem persist even after an update I need you to describe a
> bit more in detail how you are using playlists (there are several
> places, where you see a playlist).
> Are you seeing/using the playlist on the left menu?
Yes, on the left menu, when selecting playlists in Spotify
> Or are you seeing/using the playlist in the dedicated playlist pane on
> the right (there is a small button on the right, which will show you
> the playlist) ?
> If you are using the playlist in the left menu:
> - is this one of your own created playlists (MyMusic->Playlists) ?
> - or it this a playlist the you access when you are somewhere in the
> Spotify menus?

Yes, the playlist is generated/updated using the Spotify menus. 
Thanks for your fast reply!

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