dlcastles;656946 Wrote: 
> Ralphy,
> I've been attempting to use the ASIO version of Squeezeslave 1.1-253
> with a Thinkpad X41 connected to the Aynchronous USB DAC of an Audiolab
> 8200CDQ. All works well apart from the redirection of the audio signal
> to the DAC. The ASIO plugin recognises it (I've used it successfully
> with foobar) but I can't get it to place the blue play symbol beside
> the Audiolab DAC in the WDM Device List dialogue. Instead, audio is
> sent to the X41s internal soundchip.
> Would be grateful for any suggestions as to where I'm going wrong on
> this.
> Many thanks, Duncan

>From a cmd prompt change to the folder where you unzipped the
squeezeslave files and run

squeezeslave-asio -L

Post the output



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