Oh yes, automatic bitrate limiting is of course the more elegant (and
complicated) solution than simulating two different players. (Since I
decided to transcode into mono 64kb instead of stereo 64kb, the stream
doesn't hurt that much anymore anyway).
So about the synchronization: I played around with it again, and found
out that the actual problem is, on the Motorola Charm synchronized to
the Boom and the Receiver (no softplayers), that SqueezePlayer is so
much ahead of the hardware players that I actually have to modify the
delay on the hardware players, while keeping delays for SqueezePlayer
at zero.
That's not necessarily what I would like to do permanently, since I
won't be using SqueezePlayer as much and often as the hardware
If I enable transcoding, SqueezePlayer is behind the hardware players
and synchronization issues are as usual.

However, the problem with the starting of tracks remains - it gets out
of sync, either if I skip or the next song plays automatically. The
delay there doesn't seem stable, so setting the delay on the server
doesn't make much of a difference.
Btw, doesn't surprise me much neither that I'm the only one :-) I
didn't google a lot of things before I picked up the phone for 110$.
The processor has a maximum of 720MHz, and it uses cpufreq for the
scaling (which is suboptimal for a superscalar processor - it usually
scales up step by step, which might be the main reason for the sync
Might play around with it again this weekend to see if I can change the
governor to performance and check the sync again.

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