Agent Smith wrote: 
> How long have you had your Squeezeboxes for?Duet since 18 March 2008 which is 
> a tad under 4.5 years. Second receiver
added August 2008.

>    How long do you reckon they'll last before a chip burns up or it just
> stops powering on for no apparent reason?Not a clue. Hopefully not too soon. 
> If it stops powering up maybe that
will just be the PSU, which can be easily replaced.

>   I'm hoping 10 years.I'm hoping *another* 10 years!

I am also hoping that somebody will find a way of making more music
services run on LMS "unofficially", even if is turned off.
Otherwise I can see myself running two systems side-by-side, which will
be a pita.

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