Is it not so that the display or wifi card or powersupply are the most
likely to fail in a classic .

Run with as low brightness ass possible or screen off ,you might need it
for setup some day .

If the wifi card fails it can be removed and the classic still works via
ethernet .

230V psu on an origianl SB3 is bit on the cheap side but they to can be
replaced with aftermarket units .
The power connector can get a bit loose , signs of loose contact or
flaky psu is for if spontaneously example reboots .

The ir diode in the remote can get loose from it solder joint especially
of the remote is dropped , folks have rescued the remote by just
resoldering the ir-diode .
But a Touch remote also works on a classic ,but it has no brigthness
button so that function will get lost then (but you can control that
with the server ) .

Controllers battery is not very long lived , luckily it is the same as
some popular Harmony remotes , so it won't get out of stock for a while
, some chargers for controllers also have a connection problem .

My SB3 bougth 2006 was fine when i put it away for a Touch likewise my
duet was replaced by a Touch 1,5 years later to but it is still in
working order (but boxed) there are some controllers whose displays
deteriorate rapidly (must be a quality problem ) .
So for longevity i minimised using the display on my never squeezeboxes
, no clock running on them 24/7 use blank/off screen saver

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