erland wrote: 
> I suspect we are still talking about a DIY solution or possibly a
> pre-packaged DIY solution, so far I haven't seen any indication in this
> thread that makes me think it will reach the masses. To reach the masses
> you really need multiple type of devices, at minimum one optimized for
> connection to an external amplifier and one with built-in speakers
> suitable for kitchen/bedroom/bathroom kind of environment.
> To reach the masses you also need to reach the shelf in the stores, but
> that's a different topic so let's not bring that into the discussion
> yet.
> (etc.)

You've lost me... Who's talking about "masses" or selling anything in

> As I posted earlier in the thread:
> I personally still believe something that relies on LMS or even
> is a temporary solution, which works for DIY hardware,
> but for long term survival we really need something else. So to base the
> box on Linux and not tie too much of it towards Logitech and
> LMS/ is probably a good idea to make it easier to change
> it to work with something else in the future.

I haven't addressed functionality, but how can a Squeezebox
replacement NOT rely on LMS or another server that implements SlimProto?
If it doesn't, then it's not a Squeezebox.

John's post talks of circuit boards an IR input, so I presume that he's
talking about building something that resembles and operates like a
Squeezebox. We're no longer talking about taking a Raspberry Pi or other
off-the-shelf computer and making it work like a Squeezebox to feed a
USB DAC. For the most part, that's been done. My post above simply tries
to outline what I feel would be the minimum required I/O of an SB
replacement. Apart from the USB, it's not much different than the old

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