Mnyb wrote: 
> Suppose an interface would actualy be a lot of work equipping it with a
> touch screen and using SqueezePlay code . Or even more work if a new UI
> would be invented .
I'm looking at what it would take to do a hdmi based interface, possibly
based on a evolution of some of the squeezeplay code.  The reason hdmi
is interesting to me is that several linux devices (wandboard, pi,
cubox) have hdmi output, though not all have IR.  [I'm hoping John can
add another usb port for this... or we can use bluetooth remotes if the
hardware has it, which the wandboard dual core board does]
> I would be satisfied with a interfaceless squeezebox ( except for the
> setup which I hope will be a simple web-UI in the player , ip and
> creds ).
Note - LMS definitely, but be aware that Logitech probably won't like
supporting non hardware players on]

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