Owen Smith wrote: 
> With just a Receiver and Boom sync'd, cabled ethernet from the same
> switch, I got several glitches per minute. It was unusable. I posted
> logs, turned up server logging levels on request and posted more logs
> etc. Never got any significant insight so I gave up. I could also never
> get SqueezePlay on my laptop to reliably sync with either the Receiver
> or the Boom.
> EDIT: I should add this was playing local server based 16/44.1 or 24/48
> FLACs, no transcoding or reliance on streaming from the Internet.
> Instead I just run a Receiver into my hifi. Then to multi room the hifi
> I bought two pairs of Dynaudio Xeo 3 wireless speakers, one pair for the
> kitchen and one pair fo my study. Damned expensive for what they do, but
> worth ever penny. The sound quality is more than I could ever have
> expected, especially given the speaker positions. And now I can multi
> room sync FM radio or the TV if I want to.
> All I'm looking for from a SqueezeBox replacement is something like the
> Receiver ie. converts ethernet to SPDIF, but can handle up to 24/96
> native without needing resamplng in LMS. If it could handle multi
> channel up to 5.1 FLACs that would be a bonus, but I'd need it as 5.1
> analogue outputs (no HDMI audio in my AV amp) so that seems unlikely.

I too have zero issues perfectly synching multiple players running all
day long (transporter, radio, boom, touch, with radio on WIFI).  I will
note however, that a couple of years ago I was trying to use an older
winXP laptop (wired) for my LMS temporarily and had terrible luck with
sync (logs showed things getting out of synch every few minutes). I
never got to the bottom of it (and was back to using my vortexbox linux
server soon anyhow).  I tested my other newer Win7 laptop at the time
and it was perfect with synch.  So definitely the problem was related to
LMS running on the particular old XP laptop.

*Location 1:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Transporter, Touch, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64) > LMS 7.8 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* VBA 4TB, SB3, Touch (3), Radio (3), CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone4S & iPad2 (iPeng7 & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Tagging - mp3tag, Streaming - Spotify
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