marflao wrote: 
> Hi volpone, 
> I must admit that I haven't followed the Roon/Squeezebox integrations
> totally. 
> To be able to use Roon streaming would it mean that instead of a LMS
> version Roon needs to be installed? 
> Will this be a kind of Roon server version which can be installed on a
> Nas or is the installation only possible on pc/Mac? 
> In case it can be installed on a Nas is there some prerequisite on the
> Nas side therefore dsd can be played? 
> I'm asking this because I thought I would be able to play dsf files via
> my Synology (pinkdots LMS version) /SBT combo but due to the fact that
> my Nas is "too old" (not the right Arm version) it didn't work out.

>From my limited understanding on SB devices support as Roon endpoints
(due to not enough information from RoonLabs):

- You need to subscribe to Roon service and install Roon Core server
(annual or lifetime subscription, not free !). 
- Only Mac and Win versions available. Headless Linux version are on the
way but no timeline and due to Roon server requirements on CPU and RAM
only very few powerfull NAS will be compatible.
- SB devices support (SB3, Touch, Boom ...) is only one way: SB devices
as "passive" endpoints for Roon audio streams, no control and commands
(i hope some "now playing" metadata on SB screens but not sure).

So it's not a real SB ecossystem alternative but however very usefull
for people using Roon and SB devices (and squeezelite).

I'm a long time LMS / SB user and i will continue to use it in parallel
with Roon due to some SB ecosystem capabilities not supported in Roon
(mainly radio support and some others functions available via plugins) 

More to come when RoonLabs released the new SB compatible version (i
hope in 2015 :eek:)
Some limited informations are available on this this thread


SqueezeBoxServer 7.9 / ReadyNas Pro (x86) | SBTouch - SB3 - Duet - Boom
- Ipeng
SBTouch => Rega DAC => Rega Brio R amp => Harbeth SLH5 speakers
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