bpa wrote: 
> This indicates that your system has not been able to communicate with
> Squeezenetwork for a long time - - perhaps you have network connection
> issues.
> This is consistent with LMS waiting for data from the network or network
> connection has broken while LMS was waiting for data.
> Is this a new problem that has just recently started happengin or it has
> been around for a long time or have you just started using LMS or has it
> just started when using LMS on Pi ...etc.  ?
> What station are you playing ?
> Why have such an old version of LMS on a Pi ?
> What OS is on your Pi ?
> Are you players synced ?
> What is the topology of your network ?
> Generally the more info about the systems that are invoilebd when
> playing atstauion will be useful.

I will try to answer the items one by one:

"Is this a new problem?"
Yes and no. I have those Squeezebox-Receivers since 2007. But from the
beginning they have been very challenging for me (always some kind of
issues). So I didn't use them constantly. However, for sure there was a
time without that problem (but at that time, I didn't use two routers in
a "client-bridge mode".) Now I want to give those Squeezebox-Receivers a
try again. Reason: I have just dicovered that I can use Python to
control them over the LMS's CLI.

"What station are you playing?"
I tried out at least five different stations. All with the same result.
At the moment, I test it with the following Url, because that stream has
a very low bitrate: http://www.antennebrandenburg.de/livemp3

Why have you such an old version of LMS on a Pi?
Old? If I go to http://www.mysqueezebox.com/download, Version 7.7.5 is
the most recent one ....did I miss something?

What OS is on your Pi?
Raspbian ... but I have setup this Pi perhaps already 3 year. However, I
am still doing the updates/upgrades frequently.

Are your playes sync?
Not at the moment. Indeed, right now only one player is connected

What is the topolgoy of your network.
I have two routers, each running dd-wrt. Those two routers form a
"Client Bridge Mode". The Raspberry is connected with the Client-Router
directly over an Ethernet cable. The Squeezebox-Receiver uses the WiFi.

I know, this is now indicating towards the "client brdige mode" is the
culprit. But why is then a normal stream from the hard-drive causing no
trouble at all? Also, everything else in the Lan/Wlan network runs
smoothly ... besides the Squeezeboxes.

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