Grossmann200 wrote: 
> Why should the WiFi-connection breaks only when streaming a web-radio.
> but not when streaming music from a hard-drive?

Streaming music from harddrive (all audio of file is immeidately
available)  comes across in a single http GET which means you'll get a
burst of data at the max speed speed of the connection - so music file
will be sent to player in one continuous burst if possible.  If the file
is a typical 3-4 min MP3 then player will be able to buffer whole file
before it starts playing. Single TCP/IP connection is used but it is
closed when data is all sent so next file will use a new connection.

Streaming radio has data but not all data is immediately available as it
is an "Inifinte" file so LMS again using a single HTTP GET will sent an
initial burst of data (your 20 sec) but then LMS/player will have to
wait until more data is available from source then another burst perhaps
10 secs laters, and then another burst perhaps 10 secs later - so
streaming radio is made up of of a lot of short bursts of data with long
gaps in between on the same TCP/IP connection - but if connection breaks
(e.g. lost packet) then no more audio.

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