What's the difference between running (*a*) LMS with the
---nomysqueezebox.com- parameter, or (*b*) LMS with mysqueezebox.com,
but not using mysb.com?

Now that's actually a very good question :-)... does it still do update
checks with --nomysqueezebox?

Plugins? LMS nightlies? Yes of course, I wouldn't use it else.

Ok, with --nomysqueezebox not even update checks would reach out to mysb.com, but LMS would without it, but no credentials set. The update check is what gives me a rough number of installations out there. Otherwise I have no means to know how many there are. I'd appreciate it if you re-enabled it. --nomysqueezebox was a tool for myself to see what else needs to be tweaked in order to make LMS stand alone. But it's nothing I'd encourage using.


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