pputzer wrote: 
> I haven't looked at the log file, but it is not unthinkable that iPeng
> is involved. I've recently reported 'strange volume changes in
> conjunction with iPeng'
> (https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?51929-iPeng-support-thread/page816).
> Apparently, iPeng is compiled as a music app, which means it has some
> special privileges on iOS (resulting, ahem, emergent and non-intuitive
> interactions with the system).

I think I've seen the kind of interactions that you mentioned in that
thread.  But I think this is different because I was not actively using
iPeng (or my phone) at the time.  I'm not certain that iPeng is
implicated - that's just my inexperienced interpretation of the log

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I see volumes suddenly falling to zero and I don't use iPeng.

I've seen two types of behaviour that I assumed were related, but maybe
they're not after all.  The first was the volume on one player being set
to zero at start up, and the other is volume reductions during playback.
My logfile above is for the latter case.  Have you seen player volume
dropping to zero during playback, or was it already at zero when you
started playback (making it the former case)?

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