d6jg wrote: 
> Why is a reservation better than a static?
> 1) if you decide to change your subnet  - from to
> for example - then you would effectively divorce anything
> with a true staic IP from the network. Using a mac address based
> reservation would just require a device reboot to get it back.
> 2) you need to change DNS servers
> 3) you need to change the Gateway
OK, you make some good points and have convinced me.
Setting up things like DNS servers and gateways in a central place is of
course easier.
I hadn't really considered that because I just run a simple home network
and have never considered changing my subnet or DNS.
The only issue I see with reservations is the need to discover the MAC
addresses of all the devices, but I suppose that's not too onerous.

Until recently: Transporter -> ATC SCM100A, now sold :-(
House move forced change to: piCorePlayer(RPi2/HiFiBerry DIGI2 Pro) ->
Meridian 218 -> Meridian M6
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