JJZolx Wrote: 
> This rather seems to defeat the simplicity of the Music Bridge, which is
> no doubt one of its stronger selling points.  Why not just put the sound
> driver on the laptop and use it to stream music to the device sitting in
> the same room?  Using remote desktop to another system seems awfully
> convoluted when you're holding a PC in your lap.  It's even more
> baffling why you'd do this if you have challenging wireless conditions
> in your home.

That's a great question.  And the set-up does seem somewhat

However, all the audio files and audio equipment connections are on the
PC in the other room.  

I tried the sound drive on the laptop, but it does require having the
files on the laptop.  I could make the laptop the primary storage for
the files but that doesn't make sense for the audio equipment that is
wired to the PC.

Strangely, the signal from the PC through the router and wirelessly to
the Bridge 125 feet away was better than the wireless signal from the
laptop to the bridge 5 feet away.

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