JJZolx Wrote: 
> My experience synching Softsqueeze with just one Squeezebox hasn't been
> great.  Maybe with Richard now working for Slim Devices Softsqueeze will
> be made more robust, but right now it's convenient in certain
> applications (e.g. listening to the library while I'm at work) but it's
> not suitable for a serious audio application, IMO.

My experience synching Softsqueeze with my Squeezebox wasn't great
either.  The wireless Squeezebox was playing a second ahead of
Softsqueeze running on the same PC as the SlimServer.  I believe
multiple Squeezeboxes will sync fine.

Being a Java software engineer, I checked out the source code for
Softsqueeze and I'm trying to figure out how stuff works and how I
might be able to improve on it.

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