I've just tried out the Macaddress suggestion, and it works fine. I feel a bit silly for not trying it before asking. Thanks for the help.

I'm using a M-Audio Delta 1010 soundcard with breakout box. It supports 10 out channels (5 stereo pairs). Each stereo pair is treated as a separate sound device by Windows. You just configure each softsqueeze instance with one of the stereo pair virtual devices, and away you go - 5 different players on one PC (actually 6, because I can also use the built-in sound card).

So that demonstrates both multiple cards and multichannel cards nicely. Be warned though, not all multichannel cards register as muliple devices with the OS.

I'm piping to multichannel power amp for a speaker wired multiroom installation (because I don't want amps in each room).

One odd thing, for anyone interested - softsqueeze is mislableing one of my output channels - it's swapped my "multichannel" and "WavOut 1/2" device names for some reason, but is fine on all the others. No other media player on my system does this.

Reply-To: Slim Devices Discussion <discuss@lists.slimdevices.com>
To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Subject: [slim] Re: Multiple SoftSqueeze instances on a single PC
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 23:13:18 -0700

I'd like to learn more about what you are doing here.

Specifically, if changing the virtual mac address to operate multiple
SoftSqueezes work for you (which I believe it should) how are you
getting them to play out of multiple soundcards?

Is it possible to install multiple sound cards on a PC and direct
SoftSqueeze output to specific cards?

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