I thought that I would comment since I am a new user, less than a week.
It's working like a dream now and I learnt quite a bit setting it up,
especially about wireless networks. But quite a few people wouldn't
have the patience or basic computer knowledge to get it to work without

I think that there is probably a simple route and more difficult or
complex approaches. 

In terms of a simple approach I loaded up iTunes and set it up to Apple
lossless. I looked at FLAC etc and it just seemed a little confusing.
iTunes didn't cost me and I have used it before, as many people have. I
think that the bitheads would go for the FLAC setup, but iTunes is
working for me.

SlimServer loaded up without any problems just following the Owners

*The biggest strength of Squeezebox is also it's biggest weakness -
wireless networks!* Wireless networks, for many people, are a foreign
language. I have a friend that doesn't even know his wireless network
password! I find them a little confusing but I am very persistent.

I had a few problems, like firewalls, wireless router settings, and the
channel number - it appears that I had possible interference from
another nearby network coinciding with setting up the SB. 

All the information was available to sort out firewalls etc both in the
manual and on the website. I did play around with the wireless router
settings since I was constantly having all my network devices
disconnecting and reconnecting and found that changing the channel
number from the default 6 to 11 fixed the problem.

*So not only do I have to know how to use iTunes, SlimServer and the
SqueezeBox, but I also need to have a reasonable knowledge of wireless

Maybe 3 or 4 clear examples in the Owners Guide (with pictures for
those that are not too keen on reading manuals) showing the SB3 /
SlimServer layout and settings, as well as software options for ripping
and organising music would be good. The trouble is that there are so
many possibilities! It would be good to highlight the quickest way to
get things up and running. I think that the last Mac or Dell I bought
had very simple pictures on how to set it up and get it running. 

Album covers pretty much died for me when cd's came in (showing my
age). I can always pull the cd out of storage and have a look. 

Back to the music - I'm hooked! I've loaded around 100 cd's so far and
am enjoying Lakme at the moment, mixed in with Nelly Furtado, Van
Morrison, U2 and BB King - it's just amazing. I am flying down to
Adelaide to listen to some speakers and have a short break this
weekend. These things, once they are set up, rip. I could go on and


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