mwatkins;144231 Wrote: 
> I can't believe that the queries used by slimserver couldn't be
> abstracted sufficiently to avoid issues with various flavours of SQL.
> Its not like the queries needed to support a music catalogue are rocket
> science.
> While its true that there are a great many differences between the
> various implementations of SQL, for a tool with needs as simple as
> slimserver's, using a middleware layer to hide those differences would
> have been an appropriate, even advantageous, decision. 
> Sure, taking the middleware db-abstraction approach would have resulted
> in more databases being used, with a corresponding impact on support
> queries from the multitudes. I understand that, but I don't agree with
> the decision.
> A better decision would have been to use db-abstraction in the core,
> but announce support only for a single database, MySql if that is your
> choice. Solve the supportability issue by decree, rather than limiting
> the scope of the software's appeal. At least then you aren't walling
> the software off from others who might be interested in different sorts
> of mashups which might prove interesting to the community.
> This isn't about being married to one technology, or me or others being
> biggoted against another. Given that there are a plethora of
> db-abstraction layers out there, and slimserver's db requirements are
> practically infantile, the decision smacks of poor product management
> choices.
> PS: Good point about the implementation language. Always felt Perl was
> a poor choice for slimserver, but I grinned and bore that. But the
> difference is significant: perl I already must support on a wide fleet
> of machines at work and at home; MySql I do not have to support nor
> care to add it to the mix. Chances are that I will explore other
> options rather than invest in a new upgraded box for home, or one for
> the office I'd planned to add. What was once a no brainer decision for
> me now is less so.
> I doubt my apparent reluctance to upgrade due to MySql dependency is
> going to be commonly shared, but certainly there will be some who feel
> as I do. Enough to matter, from a sales perspective? Perhaps not.

I think the fact that scan times improved with MySQL might not mean
that MySQL was needed.  It could also be evidence that there was
something wrong with SS.  I too have my doubts that PERL is the right
choice for SS.

I really don't see why a full-blown transactional db back-end should be
needed, even with tens of thousands of tracks.

I agree, buying more SBs would be a no-brainer if not for SS.  SS is
clearly the weak link in the whole SB proposition --the UI, the db, the
performance...perhaps it's time for a complete re-do guys...

I know you guys love hardware (and, kudos, it really shows in the
product) and the current SS is already developed, but if it were my
money, I'd be taking a long hard look at slimserver.

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