Michael Herger wrote:
What becomes increasingly evident is that running SlimServer on
anything other than a dedicated server is becoming less and less
feasible as the software evolves and customers' expectations for
robustness and responsiveness increases.

I don't know why I should need a dedicated machine, really. I've no problem running slimserver 6.5 with samba, apache, another MySQL instance, mail... on the same two year old Via C3/1GHz with 512MB ram. That machine does sometimes crash for unknown reasons. But it's been up for three months now, surviving quite a few slimserver installations.

I'd bet most of the issues asking for a dedicated machine are due to some other influence.

Warning: "dedicated machine" is a loaded phrase.
There are two reasons that cause vendors to use this phrase:
1) to ensure that there is enough capacity to have "good" response.
2) to ensure that no other product's requirements don't conflict with some obscure requirement of this product.

Both of these drive at the heart of the word "support" as in "Oracle only supports X" or "To use XYZ accounting package, you need Y for support"

In simple english, it is a lot easier for Tech Support (for any vendor) to support a dedicated machine. And for a lot of non-techical users, it is easier for the customer as well.

The latest Mandriva distro, 2007, seems to have aimed at the naive consumer so much that they have broken some "standard" development tools. Does this mean that you can't use Mandriva 2007 and SlimServer? no, just that it isn't as easy as it was with Mandriva 10.1, which was easier than Mandriva 2006.

I had a friend get Windows XP working on a 233mHz machine with 96MB. It was dog slow, but it ran. For me, anything under 512MB is unacceptable for XP, and more CPU is always better. But what I want, and what is possible are separate things.

Sometimes it is easier to "manage" and "support" simplier configurations. That doesn't mean you can't do it if you are adventurous.


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