nicketynick;148373 Wrote: 
> Anyway, the corporate beast simply will not have the flexibility or the
> focus (serving the masses takes a lot of resources) to remain on the
> cutting edge of product development. It's a pretty reliable cycle -
> small companies do cutting edge, get bought out when they're ready for
> mass-market, and someone else with a vision picks up some of the pieces
> and comes up with something nobody had done quite right yet. And what do
> you want to bet that many of the folks on this forum will meet again at
> some other forum for a SD-like company??  See you there!

And that is the crux of the biscuit!

Logitech has just bought into a technology and an established
consumer/enthusiast base for a song (pun intended).
Not to say our beloved principals have sold out just
to suggest that what they have created is so damn good that a company
like Logitech can take this to the next level with such ease it is
silly.  They'll make a fortune and break into a new market...nice.
But as has been pointed out by many....... a certain something will be
lost from the core SD brand.  I for one have a hard time seeing The
Transporter with a Logitech label on it.  I believe others will too. 
While it is fine to say that SD will keep it's autonomy, the question
of branding still applies and there is no doubt that Logitech has
positioned itself as a mass market price driven company....and a damn
good one at that! ( I like my MX900 well enough) Changing ones brand
image is not an easy or compulsive thing to do.  Ask The Coca Cola
Company.  Logitech have created a great brand in every recognized sense
of the concept.  Why the hell would they want to change it or go against
what it represents?  Go ask Volkswagen!
These guys are mass market all the way. It's all they know.

As opposed to SD.
Just read the PR surrounding The Transporter especially the Stereophile

"Obviously, the Transporter is not aimed at people who are ripping
files to 128kbps MP3 files," said Patrick Cosson, Slim Devices' vice
president of sales and marketing. "That's like disposable music—what
you'd listen to at the gym. There are a lot of people—people like Slim
Devices CEO Sean Adams and myself—who listen to uncompressed audio
files and who want them to sound as good as the systems we're playing
them on can sound."

Really think the bigs at Logitech can react this way even if they think

In the end...who knows......I'm just looking at history and that's what
it suggests. 
But before I get nailed, this is just an opinion and I would love that
this works out a different way.  Either way it is good.........just

Personally I do fear for the core values of SD and I am currently
holding my finger over the buy now button for a new Transporter.
I wanna press it but.............


Oracle Delphi/FR64/Dynavector, Krell EVO-555, Krell EVO-202, Krell
EVO-402, B&W 801-Matrix3. Music all the way!
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