On 1/5/07, tyler_durden


Here are my thoughts.

When was the last time you bought an item at the store and and had to
jump through hoops for a week to get it working and were satisfied with
the purchase?

Straw man. You're trying to simplify the purchase of a complex system
into the terms of a simple system. Besides which, you're still
incorrect -- I'll bet you, like most people, have a junk drawer full
of simple items that didn't work out but are too inexpensive and
unimportant to bother returning.

The whole system is too complicated for your average Joe Blow.  People
see/hear the SB3 and think it's great, but then they find out what is
involved in setting it up and they balk at the ripping/tagging, network
setup, server setup, and etc.  I think if you want to go mass market you
will need to do some sort of server hardware as someone said in a
previous post.  If it doesn't work right out of the box it will never
become a consumer item.

Another straw man, and a familiar one from the OS fanboy arguments...
first the argument never takes into account people's willingness to
take action for an outcome (how many Joe Blow types are able to
successfully work their VCRs or Motorola phones, both of which could
take UI tips from Slimserver), and second the argument assumes that
99% penetration of the electricity-using population is in fact a
reasonable goal.

You might even have to start your own "itunes' type operation (or make
a deal with one of the existing ones) where you supply CORRECTLY tagged
flac files, either a disc or song at a time, that can be ordered via the
SB remote control.  Maybe set up your own web radio station to play new
releases and have a "purchase" button on the remote.  Leave out the DRM
(digital restrictions management) or forget the whole idea.

That seems insane to me.

You may need to think about streaming video, too.  I don't think there
are many audio only systems left in the world except among audio

By that logic, there should also be a games console. Quite frankly, by
that logic the thing should make cake. I've asked for it a number of
times now, and my wishes are being ignored... come on,
LogiSlimTechDevices!!!! I want a cake maker in my SqueezeBox!
"I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin,
So across the Western ocean I must wander" -- traditional
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