The Oboe service is part of MP3tunes. There have apparently been some
discussions between SD & MP3tunes (search the forum for previous
threads). No idea what the current status is. Personally, I don't see
the point of streaming my own collection over the internet when I have
it on a hard disk on my LAN. YMMV, etc.

A NAS is Network Attached Storage. It's a hard drive that connects
anywhere on your network, usually via ethernet cable, although there
are some wireless versions around. A NAS has a processor, RAM, and an
OS (usually linux) so it's really a special purpose computer: low
powered, low power consumption, and oriented towards serving files to
other computers on the network. But some NASs can also run slimserver,
like the Buffalo LinkStation that I use. 

If you don't like slimserver on a desktop or notebook comuter then you
won't like it any better on a NAS. But if the issue is not having a PC
on, the NAS is a nice solution. See the SD wiki for more info.

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