(1) A faster, slicker UI. This can be made cross platform using Java or
any number of porting technologies out there. This is the biggest
downside to the product, it is so clunky and unappealing. If there was
a decent remote it wouldn't be so bad, which brings us on to...

(2) A better remote - Sonos-like if possible, my eyes aren't what they
were and squinting at the SB screen just doesn't work anymore!

(3) A transporter without all the knobs and whistles. Cut out the
displays, knobs and extraneous metalwork and put it in a simple
well-built case. Supply it with a good remote with display and that
would be a far preferable solution for me. Oh, and then you could bring
the price down too.

(4) The ability to rip CDs within the software package. There's nothing
worse when telling people about SLim than when you have to explain the
collection of software and settings that are required to get the
library together. The more technical users may enjoy the challenge,
many music lovers won't.

I think we also need to leave our tech hats at home once in a while
too. I have been working on consumer products for some time now and I
think the dismissive attitudes that sometimes appear regarding iTunes
and other consumer orientated products are very misplaced. I believe
over 30 million iPods have shipped and many, many more copies of
iTunes. There is something to learn there. 

It's also tempting to try to keep something you have found to a small
community, like when you discover a new band, and the old ways are
clung on to and anything remotely commercially orientated is rallied
against. Let's not get bent too far out of shape when they want to
change to make it big.

CardinalFang's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=962
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31324

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