MrSinatra;174556 Wrote: 
> gimmie a break.
> look, its as simple as this:
> IF you accept the notion, that a product, any product, will make more
> money if its potential market is bigger, rather than smaller, than what
> i said is true.
> its not rocket science, and its not a matter of me pushing a subjective
> opinion.  it is a fact of the free market.
> thats all i'm saying.

Well, that notion of yours does conveniently assume away any costs for
development of, and support for, the additional software and device

It also conveniently overlooks another basic "fact of the free market":
people vote with their wallets. They buy those things that best meet
their wants and needs, within their given budgets. Frankly, I don't
give a rat's derriere whether a product does what you want it to do. I
buy it to do what I want it to do, and assume you will buy what meets
your needs. Adam Smith's invisible hand and all that.... And producers
won't necessarily try to please both of us (product differentiation),
which is well demonstrated by the current offerings from SD, Apple,
Olive, etc.

If you're so convinced that there's demand for an alternative way to
feed music to the SB, then go for it. The slim protocol is documented,
so SD doesn't have to be the provider any more than Dell needs to
include a Linux CD in every box. It doesn't matter if you can't program
it yourself -- you have such a slam dunk business concept that you can
hire the code-flunkies and split the proceeds.

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