jonheal;184335 Wrote: 
> My money is on similar times for both OSs.
Certainly not if count how long it took me to figure out how to get
slimserver on Windows read the library on my NAS!! But if you don't
count that, Win2K was about 40% slower to scan than Ubuntu. 

Server hardware: Dell P3 500MHz with 256MB RAM, 
NAS hardware: Buffalo LinkStation HD-HG250LAN
Network: 100Mbs ethernet through a Netgear WGR614v3 router
Slimserver: Slimserver 6.5.1 (official release)
Library:  298 albums | 3848 songs | 228 artists (mostly FLAC)

The Dell is a low horsepower machine, but in neither case did it have
to start swapping to virtual memory. In each case there was nothing
else major running on the machine while it was scanning. Scanning times

Windows 2000/SP4: 17:53 (mm:ss)
(command: scanner --wipe --d_server --priority=0 M:\

Ubuntu 6.06: 12:48
(command: time /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/slimserver/
--prefsfile=/etc/slimserver.pref --priority=0 --wipe --d_server)

And for comparison, running on the LinkStation itself (running Debian,
128MB RAM and 266MHz PPC): 36:03

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