I'm hoping some of the wireless gurus here can help me.  Here is my

latest SS running on a Infrant ReadyNAS connected to a Win2K (I
know...ancient) PC.  I have a D-Link DIR-655 Router.  I have a
Squeezebox in bedroom (about 20') away with average signal strength of
about 70% and it works great!  Awesome!

Now, I just bought second Squeezebox for the living room about 75' and
3 walls away.  Uh oh, average signal strength about 28% and the box
wont connect.

attempt 1:  I went and purchased a DWL-G700AP Dlink WAP to 'boost' the
signal and set it next to the squeezebox in the living room.  with
giddy excitement i saw the signal strength on my network was 98%!  oh
boy.....but...."cannot connect to DHCP server".  A call to Slim tech
support and the guy acknowledged "yeah, Squeezeboxes dont work with
alot of those WAPs".  I'm guessing it's because the WAP has its own IP
and the Squeezebox gets confused on the way to the Server..(?)  (when
prompted to enter the SlimServer IP, i used the regular IP of the
ReadyNAS, which is the same i access through webrowser
192.168.xxx.xx:9000 )

attempt 2:  Ethernet over Power!  The future!  I went and picked up the
D-link 300 EoP and set it up.  Got a 'wired' connection but the signal
was not continous.  the squeezebox would either a) flicker or b) play
for about 30 seconds (cache?) then just studder and choke.  Plus, this
little thing was screweing up the wireless connection to my bedroom
squeezebox!  That dog don't hunt!

I have tested the device w/ just ethernet, and it works great.  The
device is fine, i just need a solution for solid wireless connection
(running cable is 100% not an option).  My question is:

1) can anyone suggest a WAP that they KNOW will work with the
SlimDevices?   or is there some 'trick'  to configuring this the WAP i

2) any OTHER solutions that i'm missing?

any help is GReATLY appreciated as I really need to hear my music on
the 'main' stereo :)   I have lost about 20 hours so far trying to
solve this issue....

Thanks in advance everyone, this is a great forum!


ps. my primary home network does not have WEP encription right now.  i
want to get everything up and running, then turn 64-bit WEP on.....this
shouldn't matter right?

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