Marc Sherman;201092 Wrote: 
> :There are plenty of linux tools that can move/rename mp3 files around
> based on their id3 tags. Here's one:

thank you marc!  i will check out the page and the software once i get
back home, and can download/install.  :)

Marc Sherman;201092 Wrote: 
> That's not going to happen. No-one is doing any further work on the
> 6.2.x branch. You can stand on principle all you like, or you can take
> advantage of the suggestions to actually solve your problems that
> people
> are giving you -- it's your choice.

well, while i appreciate what you're saying, any company that's
destined to stay in business will do exactly that - they will work on
legacy products if a customer demands it.  how do i know?  i'm a
software engineer.  i have re-worked decades old code upon demand,
because that's what the early adopters of new technology expect.  
doing so keeps the customer, keeps the customer happy, and encourgaes
the customer to sing your praises to others.

if slimdevices refuses to re-work an old version, i can become "swami
sherman" and predict that this company will not survive.  how do i know
that?  i have seen it happen time and time again.  if you do not support
your early adopters. not only will they  stop doing business with you,
but they will stop encouraging  others to use the products.  so, it all
comes down to how long slimdevices is in it for - the short run or the
long run.

it's not a matter of principle any more than it's a matter of good
business.  happy customers = continued business.  unhappy customers =
end of the business.  since i am an engineer, i will ultimately solve
the problem.  the only question is how willing slimdevices is help me -
especially when their earlier products worked with just one bug to fix,
and by following their latest suggestions, i now have have a disabled
music server.



"you are only young once, but you can be immature forever"
"life is uncertain; eat dessert first" - anonymous

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