Club1820;210864 Wrote: 
> I mostly play my songs by choosing several genres and playing them
> randomly.   I currently am using the customer skip filter to only play
> songs that have not played within the last 24 hours.  Unfortunately the
> maximum amount of time is 24 hours.  
> Does anyone know if this can be increased? Or is there another way to
> only play songs that for example, have not been played for 72 hours? 
> Or perhaps a week, month. etc. ?
> Thanks.
If you use the "Random songs" playlist available under "Dynamic
Playlists" menu when you have the SQLPlayList plugin installed, the
songs will not be repeated until the whole library has been played. I
suppose you are using the Random Mix plugin now ?

I think what you ideally want to make this work is a new option on this
"Random songs" playlist to select the number of hours/days until a song
is allowed to play again. I will add this to the wish list to the
SQLPlayList/DynamicPlaylist plugins.

In theory you could also use the Custom Skip plugin for this, but I
don't think it will be a good solution if you choose to skip everything
played within the last 72 hours. The reason is that there will be a lot
of skipping going on after a number of days and this will slow down the
performance. This is especially the case if almost all tracks within the
selected genres has been played. Anyway, if you still want to go the
Custom Skip route I think you will be able to change the *.cs.xml file
manually, you should find the time in number of seconds in this file.
For example 86400 if you have selected to skip everything within 24
hours. I think it will work if you just increase this number. I will
add an option for 72 hours or something similar in the next TrackStat


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'
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