wrote in message 
> As for why would I rip trash, well, it is standard practice and always
> has been in the recording industry to put a couple of hits on a crappy
> record to sell the whole thing. So, if there are two great songs that
> you like on a CD, you can buy the whole thing for $16 US, waste a lot
> of time trying to find it in used CD stores which ends up being more

A couple more thoughts...first, there was a time when the album was 
important, and many many CDs exist with more than 2 good songs on them...so 
it depends what your tastes are.  Not to be snide, but I guess what I'm 
saying is, listen to better artists :-)

Also...try CDbaby.com.  Join YourMusic.com.  Buy used from Amazon.  Try 
deepdiscountcd.com.  Try comparison engines, like pricegrabber.com.  There 
is simply no reason in this day and age to be paying $16 for a CD, there are 
too many lower-priced alternatives.


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