brjoon1021;212472 Wrote: 
> Geez, so legally, if one buys a used CD, rips it and then sells the CD
> to a used CD store, the ripped copy on the hard disk should be deleted,
> no ?
Yes, that's right. And same applies for buying a new CD.

> I wonder if CD and DVD resale is a bit shady too then because one is
> purchasing the right to listen to the music (what we determined is the
> thing being purchased, not the format) from an entity that is not
> giving profits to the artists, label, etc... but is the sole
> beneficiary of the profits.
I don't know the legalisms, but I think the artist, label, etc. are
considered as getting their full cut on the initial sale. Subsequent
re-sales (a) defray the cost to the original buyer who decides the disc
is worth something less than the full price, and (b) allow someone else
who thinks the disc isn't worth the full retail price to add it to
their collection.

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