Eric Seaberg wrote:
> Why don't you have someone in the States purchase it at $2000, open the
> box and take it out (so it's not NEW) then re-ship to you?  Either that
> or I'll sell you my black TP that's less than a year old for $2000 +
> shipping, then I'll replace it with a new one.
> Could work...

Lots of places have strange markup do to customs taxes, VAT, exchange 
rates, etc.

I've bought stuff for friends in down under, plugged it in so I know it 
is USED, and ship it.

You (the receiver) are still liable for duties, etc.

It always amazes me that for a lot of consumer stuff, the UK price in 
pounds is the same as the US price in dollars. Since the pound is worth 
about two bucks each, thats a lot of markup.

I remember walking down the streets in Den Haag (The Hague) and seeing 
Bass Weeguns in a shop window for three times what they cost here. My US 
citizen friends working on assignment in Europe would use their trips to 
corporate headquarters for serious shopping trips.


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