On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 15:07:14 -0800, "cbemoore"
> Phil Meyer;251058 Wrote: 
> > The problem is the FF key will skip to next track if pressed briefly. 
> > The key must be held down to invoke some form of fast-forward
> > behaviour.
> Here's a controversial suggestion, but the more I think about it the
> more sense it seems to make. Why not reverse the current logic so that
> a brief press of FF or RW increases or decreases the speed, and a long
> press skips to the previous or next track?
> This would be much more intuitive to me than the current behaviour. It
> would also make it much easier to seek within a track, since you would
> be able to control the 'seek' speed with brief presses instead of long
> presses.
> Anyone agree, or is it a stupid idea?

Changing tracks *is* intuitive, I would suggest keeping that the way it

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