EnochLight;254948 Wrote: 
> Well that all depends on your ears and the quality of your amplifier &
> speakers you plan to hook it up to.  If it's audiophile-grade and you
> are the type of listener who tends to fixate on every nanosecond of
> audio coming over the system, then the Squeezebox 3 has a slightly
> better signal-to-noise ratio that would technically result in a
> slightly better reproduction of sound.
> Will most of us notice that over the new Squeezebox Receiver?  Not on
> your life!  I would just go with a new Duet (Squeezebox Receiver and
> Controller).
> Besides, if your ears are that discerning and your amp/speakers are
> super-duper audiophile-grade, then you should have a Transporter.  ;-P

Personally I am in exactly this position. I can't justify $2k for a
transporter (would I really hear the difference in my open plan living
room??) but have a pretty decent system -SB3 --> B&K 200.2 -->B&W 804.
I was waiting for the Duet to replace the SB3 and move the SB3 to the
bedroom. The change in DAC has now put the purchase on hold until I see
some reviews. 

Sean mentioned measurements - any chance of posting the comparison?


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