robroe;264628 Wrote: 
> Sorry to drag this slightly off topic, but I have a SB3 in my kitchen
> paired with some A2s which sit on top of my kitchen cupboards to
> placate my wife :)
> The sound is generally good, plenty good enough for a kitchen anyway,
> but my one slight complaint is that the sound is a little boomy
> especially at lower volume levels where the bass can overwhelm the rest
> of the track a little depending on the type of music being played.
> I know this is totally my fault for putting them in a bad place but I
> was wondering whether anyone would have any suggestions for improving
> this other than the obvious solution of not putting them in such a
> stupid place?
> I dont really have any clue how the acoustics work, is it bassy because
> they are simply too high, because they are too near the roof/wall or a
> combination of all these things?
It's probably a combination of all these things. The A2s themselves are
a little boomy already. Placing them in a not so ideal location makes it
even worse.
I was in the same situation as you, the A2s sounded too boomy and
relocating them wasn't an option.
I ended up sticking a small stripe of black (I have the A2s in black)
rubber foam into the bass slits in the front.
They sound now much less bass-heavy and they still look good!


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