radish;268251 Wrote: 
> If you are getting stuttering when the buffer is at 100% it's nothing to
> do with the network, wireless or otherwise. You have another problem,
> and to be honest it's not one I've ever seen before. Do you get the
> stutters at the same point on tracks?  The only thing I can possibly
> think of is file corruption. 
> I'll repeat (again) what many others have said on this thread and
> others - wireless networking is a messy, messy thing. It's a miracle it
> works at all! The first troubleshooting with any wireless device should
> always be to try it with a cable. Then, depending on the results,
> troubleshooting can continue in the right direction.

I have gotten what I would call stuttering on startup at times for
between 15 to 30 seconds then it clears up.  No this is more random
than any particular track.

Right now I am going fine after doing the fixed IP noted a couple of
posts above.

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