Jeff Flowerday wrote:
> Just make sure that error checking is on with whaterver software you use
> and you should be fine.
> I didn't know about error checking in WMP before I started ripping my
> 2000+ CD collection.  Fortunately I found the error of my ways 300 in. 
> Without error checking in WMP I'd get the odd blast of static when the
> drive encountered a problem with a disk.  They were pretty infrequent
> so infrequent that I didn't hear one for quite a few days of spot
> checking via my Zune.
> With error checking on it went away completely.  Discs in real bad
> shape still might cause skipping or drop outs but there isn't much you
> can do besides buy a new copy.

Don't use crap like WMP, use EAC and FLAC to rip your CD's.
People regularly post here complaining that they inadvertently ripped 
their collection in WMA + DRM and now it won't play on their SB's.


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