)p(;280991 Wrote: 
> I am still very happy with using a n800 with moose through remote
> desktop. The library selection experience is just as fast as with moose
> on a desktop computer. The n800 is connected 24h through remote desktop
> to the server so its always instant on ready to use. I am going to try
> the duet controller soon but I suspect I won't be willing to give up
> the large touchscreen of the n800. We'll see ;)
> peter

I did something similar prior to my SB3 purchase, I used VNC and Amarok
and a long audio cable ;) , but since Moose is Windows only
unfortunately I can't use it with my Ubuntu server box.
I did try Squeezeplay over VNC and also used xmodmap to map the N770
hardware keys accordingly, but at this time Squeezeplay still lacks
mouse support, so browsing is quite tedious and text input is even
more. Depending how the SP developer chooses to do text input in newer
versions this may improve dramatically, though.
The screen shots on the wiki for the new SP UI look quite good

Bye, signor_rossi.

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