MrSinatra;299548 Wrote: 
> instead of assuming comp tags, which i see no need for, (and would
> create its own issues since there are three discrete comp tags
> according to slimkid, of 0, 1, and none at all, which in turn have 3
> separate effects) i think the VA "math based" detection logic should
> instead be replaced by a system where the user can specify terms.  that
> would be fullproof.

I think one thing that is missing in this discussion is a major
SqueezeCenter design decision that has been made a long time ago and
still exists as far as I know. The SqueezeCenter database is just a
temporary storage, it's a design decision that it should be possible to
discard at any time. This means that you can't store anything in it
which you like to survive over a longer time. This is a BIG difference
compared to other music library manager applications such as iTunes,
Windows Media Player, Media Monkey. SqueezeCenter shouldn't be
considered to be the application where you manage your music library,
this is something that you do should in some other application. To not
limit the user to a single music manager application the decision has
been made that ALL information that needs to survive a longer time
needs to be transferred into SqueezeCenter through explicit tags or by
automatic detection logic in SqueezeCenter based on tags.

I'm not saying that this is a good design decision, but it exists at
the moment and it is a lot bigger to change this than just changing the
handling of the compilation state.

As I understand it you are suggesting that SqueezeCenter shouldn't read
the "compilation" state from the files at all, instead it should be
possible for the user to enter the "compilation" state directly in
SqueezeCenter and store it somewhere outside the music files. I'm
afraid that a changed like this unfortunately would be a conflict with
the above mentioned design decision. There IS a way for the user to
enter the "compilation" state already today, it's done by adding a
compilation tag to the files. It is not possible for the user to do
this directly in SqueezeCenter, because Logitech has choosen to
delegate that functionality to the tagging programs since it's already
supported in these. Why spend time implementing things in SqueezeCenter
that is already supported in other programs which the user needs to use

SqueezeCenter needs to rely on custom tags (COMPILATION) for the
compilation state, because I don't think there is a standard way in the
different music format specifications to indicate that an album is a
compilation album.

I'm not saying that the above mentioned design decision is a good one,
because I personally have doubts regarding it when we talk about
statistic data such as ratings, last played time and play counts. I
believe this kind of information needs to survive a longer period of
time to get good support for smart playlists. Statistic data isn't and
shouldn't be written to tags in the music files.

As long as I can force SqueezeCenter to handle a specific album as a
compilation album or not, I am happy. This is something I can do
already today by adding a compilation tag to the file. If SqueezeCenter
besides this tries to help my figure out the compilation state for the
rest of my albums, where I haven't any compilation tags in the files,
that is a good thing. This saves me some work since I don't have to add
compilation tags to ALL my music files, just those where the
SqueezeCenter logic fails. This automatic logic works better for some
people and worse for other people, depending on how your music library
looks like. In your case it unfortunately works pretty bad but for
other people it works pretty good. So forcing all the people where the
automatic logic works good to manually enter the compilation state in
SqueezeCenter would just result in these people getting upset instead.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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