MrSinatra;299575 Wrote: 
> i am saying that this is now a logitech product, and its being aimed at
> the masses, and it will continue to be, and over time i expect it will
> get cheaper and cheaper.
The current cost of SqueezeCenter is zero as far as I know, so it can't
get much cheaper, but I suppose you are talking about the whole system
including the SqueezeBox hardware.

MrSinatra;299575 Wrote: 
> you say that automatic detection logic is needed.  i agree.  where i
> disagree is how that automatic detection is implemented.  there is no
> need for it to guess, or for guessing to be a function you can't turn
> off.  better methods exist.
> ...
> rather, that logic should be turned off by default, and instead
> replaced with terms the user can set in SC7 that if the scanner finds
> in the files, it then knows its a compilation.
I think the problem is that it will result in extra options and more
configuration parameters which gets the whole system even more
complicated to use than today. More options also results in a support
nightmare for Logitech since it makes the handling of end users problem
a lot more complex when there are a lot of variations. So even though
correct default values could make it simple for end users it causes
problem for the Logitech support team that needs to handle the users
that actually use the advanced configuration of the automatic detection

I'm not against more options myself, which I think all the
configuration options in my plugins shows, but I can understand why
Logitech has tried to limit the number of configurable options

However, it should be fairly simple if we limit the options to a single
checkbox that enabled/disabled the current automatic logic. If disabled
it would only detect albums with COMPILATION tags as compilations and
the rest would be considered to be non compilation albums. If enabled
it would use the current automatic logic that works for some people and
doesn't work for other people.
The default value after installation could be that this option is
disabled, so the user explicit have to select to use the current
automatic logic.

A solution like this would be fairly simple to implement is doesn't
result in a lot of extra complex configuration parameters that needs to
be handled in the code and in the user interface.


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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