doggieflyer wrote:
> I'm a senior software engineer with networking experience.  I've spent
> 14 hours with this system.  I can't imagine the average consumer not
> returning this product immediately.  

What's providing DHCP on your network?
Are all the devices, SqueezeCenter PC, Receivers, and Controller getting
proper IP addresses on the same subnet?

I had serious problems when my Wifi WAP was giving out bad subnet
addresses, it worked sometimes, the WiFi connected things could talk to
the greater Internet, but finding the SqueezeCenter was a challenge.

Fixing the WAP made my life great. I literatlly plugged in my (only)
Receiver, it self setup, and life has been perfect since.

In nearly all cases, the horrific experiences reported on the forums
have been network related (some firewall) rather than real hardware.

Pat Farrell

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