I get a kick out the the OP saying it should be written in a real
programming language like "C++". No it should be written in Assembly :)
.  Obviously he has never coded in C++.  I made my living a few years
ago writing C++ code and would rather deal with Perl any day.  C++ (not
C) is a mess, mainly do to the way it was put together and the many
battles over standards. Did they ever get a standard defined?  It also
makes a lot of compromises to remain C compliant while trying to
shoehorn OO into it.

Perl is actually a rather capable language, only issue with it is it
does require a bit more diligence to keep the code maintainable than
other languages.  Mainly because it offers so many ways to do the same

While with C++ you can write extremely tight code and just make it hum
with less resources than you can with Perl.  However in order to do
that you need someone with many more years of experience in C++ than
you do with Perl.  Now Java would be a decent compromise, however again
you would have to basically start from scratch and that is huge under
taking.  It is open source and you are welcome to tackle it.  Put
together a sound plan you might be able to get a number of developers

As for the Core not needing to be coded in the same language the
plugins are written in.  Well it makes it a hell of a lot easier to
provide that, otherwise you pretty much need to build in an interpreter
which is not fun.  Mozilla uses JavaScript because well a web browser
already needs to be able to interpret JavaScript anyhow.

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