On Tuesday 22 March 2005 02:06, CPHennessy wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 March 2005 02:20, Jack & Naree wrote:
> >  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> > I hate the automatic formatting in Openoffice, it's so
> > annoying, MS Word is such a refreshing respite from the
> > restrictiveness of OO.

Choice is a good thing.  I don't think that anyone in this project 
would ever claim that OOo is perfect.  

BTW, Jack, given the choices that ARE available on the market 
(Microsoft Word; WordPerfect; AbiWord; OOo; Koffice; TextMaker; 
StarOffice, etc.) when someone comes into an open source project 
and leads their email with a sharply worded criticism, I often 
wonder why that person bothers to spend the time composing the 
email, rather than simply stop using the program, especially when 
the program is free, and the user has lost no money in purchasing 
the program.

Robust and critical discussion on open source lists are important to 
the improvement of open source code.  And yet when sometimes the 
subtlies of a poster's message can sometimes leave me wondering if 
the sender is a troll.  I understand a troll who, who whatever 
reason, derives personal entertainment from starting arguments on 

I personally appreciate that you have tried the product, and yet, as 
CPH pointed out, the fact that you complained so bitterly, coupled 
with the fact that you are obviously a sophisticated user capable 
of finding the simple fixes for your problems causes me to wonder 
if you are trolling.  

When I see a message from a troll, I usually reply only to urge 
other members of the list to evaluate if they agree that the troll 
is, in fact, a troll; and if they agree, to consider ignoring that 
person altogether, as trolls literally feed off of the energy of 
others.  Trolls appear to LIKE wasting others' time; that is the 
very definition of a troll, IMHO.  

I'm thinking that you probably are trolling, and so I will ignore 
the detailed issues that you have raised.  If you are not trolling, 
and you do, indeed, have questions that you would like answered, 
then you will probably get the most detailed answers from the 
users@openoffice.org list, as the users list is a gathering of 
people who like solving problems such as those you have raised. 

You can also find tech support at the link below.  If you're not 
trolling, of course. 


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