Perhaps you didnÂt understand the intention behind my posting: I want OO to 
beat MS...

But I canÂt deny that - just for example - ALL the symbols look like beeing drawn by 
programmers. IÂm a programmer myself and know that programmers most often donÂt have 
the inspiration to draw symbols that are able to be liked.

By the way: I follow the development of OO since the days of StarOffice beeing 
under the control of Star...

NOTHING has changed since years (despite functionality, but thatÂs NOT all a program needs to 
reach the masses). For example it starts with standard option to draw a grey rectangle around a new 
"word"-document. I hate this rectangle because of expecting a WYSIWYG-program. I just 
donÂt get that silly grey rectangle on any normal piece of paper. This option has to be a 
additional - not a standard feature. Otherwise you turn a WYSIWYG-program into bullshit that has to 
be turned into WYSIWYG first... Nothing people really like.

And: Please donÂt behave like most people getting confronted with truth: They 

Maybe many people donÂt see a difference because of beeing blind. There are many 
people existing that canÂt see a difference between car designs and anyway most 
really well selling cars have a good design. Also designs can be viewed in some sort of 
objective manner.

And: Objectively OO lookes like designed by children doing their first steps - 
not like designed by people who gave their lifes for really nice design...

Best regards

Compare to firefox: Clear, straight, nice. And: They ARE succesful. More 
succesful than OO. Now ask WHY?

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