--- Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> M. Fioretti wrote:
> > Maybe you meant _software_ or _algorithm_ _only_ patents, not all
> > possible patents in every field, didn't you?
> I used the word "idea" and "idea" is precisely what I mean. Ideas are 
> not constrained to software. If I draw a painting about a dragon, I 
> should not be able to prevent you from drawing your own painting about a 
> dragon, even though that's not an algorithm, or software.

no problem with patents or copyrights here

> > Patents were born as monopolies over real _inventions_, not ideas. You
> > could patent a physical, working prototype of bulb lamps or
> > antigravity engines,
> If you invent a new light bulb or an antigravity engine I should be able 
> to use the ideas behind them to make my own bulb and antigravity engine. 
> I can accept a copyright-style protection for your actual work. If you 
> take a beautiful photograph of half-dome I understand if you don't want 
> me to make copies of it. But I can still go to half-dome myself and take 
> my own photograph.

again, no problem with patents or copyrights

> > Today the concept is wildly and frequently abused, no doubt, but
> > that's no reason to negate its validity, when applied properly, is it?
> I question the general validity of patents. Suppose you design a better 
> keyboard, so that it's much easier to learn. Should you be granted a 
> monopoly on making keyboards with that design? I don't think so. You are 
> free to disagree. We can just agree to disagree on that.

Why shouldn't you be able to patent it? After all, its rather likely that 
else can come up with a much better design for a keyboard in time. 

> Cheers,
> Daniel.



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