On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 14:39:41 PM +0200, Mathias Bauer

> Yes, that's a good argument for titles, thanks for adding this.

You're welcome. Glad to have added some useful information.

> So titles aren't superfluous in specific workflows with specific
> kinds of documents where for whatever reasons the user is not free
> in chosing the file name of his documents.

Just one final comment: keep in mind that the workflows with this
"problem" may be "specific" as in "a minority" when you count the
percentage of organizations which have this problem. But if you look
at *which* organizations have it, they will certainly be a non
negligible part of the multinational/big goverment ministry sector.
Those which would be essential to convert asap.

So this is not a "niche" requirement, after all, or at least is not
from a negligible "niche". Marketing wise, that is.

Kinda like the "dynamically changing word count in status bar" RFE
(you knew this was coming, didn't you? :-) ).

Only one in 10000 users will ever use it, but they include 100% of the
journalists requested to write a review of OO.o "X words, take or
leave 5% or it won't fit in the page". Most of them will end the
review with a complaint, because word count wasn't in full, constant


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.       --Gloria Steinem

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