Hi Shoshannah, all,

Shoshannah Forbes wrote:

On 27/10/2005, at 22:09, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
 And they're not the same people that do professional
formatting. Asking them to use the same controls is a big mistake. The
whole point of styles is to separate presentation from content and  here
you put content elements in the presentation layer


I find that putting the language information in styles in a real pain, as then I have to have double sets of styles, and switch between them constantly (most of my documents are mixed Hebrew/ English, usually with mixed paragraphs). After all, the whole idea of styles is to deal *less* with formatting, not more as it is now when languages are managed by styles.

You can just make a new character-style, based on the default. Only change the language attribute. You can apply that style to any word, regardless in which paragraph-style it is written. Want to remove the language-atribute? Select word/paragraph/ .. and choose Format|Default.
Might not be ideal, but not so diffucult as well. Is it?


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