Michael Adams said on 08.04.2007 15:59:
 ******* on about the punctuation in an email just makes you look
like a smartass. Not that the other posts don't help.
Umm, ******* on about being disinterested in clear and correct use of
language makes you look like an idiot.

Hey, you're goody-two-shoes filter-censor missed "smartass".

Enough, both of you!

I'll assume you mean well, but have that annoying authoritarian gene that can't help but police others.

The quoted article does not say it is mandatory in any way anywhere.

Yes it does. Re-read it. It says: "*Separate* three or more items in a series with a comma." That sounds pretty mandatory to me.


Various mailing list protocols however asks that you do not ping
foreigners for their use of grammar. This mailing list guidelines:

That guideline merely mentions that one should express oneself clearly.

Also, I was merely pointing out an error in Adrian's signature (which appears in *every* post of his) in the hope that he would *welcome* the opportunity to correct a highly visible (but minor) error and that he might appreciate the opportunity to learn something about the language he is using. He even *thanked* me for it.

Then Tim comes along and calls me a "smart ass". Then I use a sarcastic analogy (or whatever you call it) to let him know I disagree with his assessment. And then you pop in playing net-cop. Great! :-(

Relax! We might actually have an intelligent (even if OT) discussion here.

OT conversation closed please.

You're not boss here, so please don't formulate your request as a command. (your "please" was merely to give you plausible deniability)

Peter Reaper

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