On Thursday 19 July 2007 19:23, Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> jonathon wrote:
> > Whilst this is blatant propaganda by Microsoft, it is worth
> > pointing out that the OOo website does an excellent job of
> > hiding information from people that want/need to use it.
> > The OOo wiki simply serves to hide it better from all and
> > sundry.
> >
> > Both the website and the wiki need to be totally redesigned,
> > so that people can find important things like the current
> > roadmap for OOo 3.0, and OOo 4.0.
> I wouldn't say that sites (wiki and main site) need a total redesign,
> but I agree that they could be improved substantially. So, lets not just
> talk but do something ... do you have some ideas where information is
> lacking, what the requirements for the sites are etc.?

Jonathon may be overstating it a little but not by much.  Finding stuff on the 
Wiki is a mission, possibly it was designed by the same ones who designed 
issuezilla!  ;)

We do need a rethink of the way everything is mapped on the site.  I don't 
however know how much (if any) we are restricted by the Collabnet framework.

There is an Art wiki for instance but no link or explanation about it on the 
Art frontpage.

The Sitemap http://www.openoffice.org/sitemap.html doesn't mention the wiki at 

There is a marketing wiki but again no mention or link to it on the front 

We need to define what people come to the site for:

The three largest headers would be off the top of my head:

It seems to me that the Wiki has been an addon which we haven't figured out 
how to deal with in terms of promotion and so forth.  

> > xan
> >
> > jonathon
> Regards
>    Kay


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