
jonathon wrote:
Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

talk but do something ... do you have some ideas where information is

Can you find the roadmap for OOo 4.0 on either the wiki, or
the main website?
what I know of are:


From my point of view, there shouldn't and can't be a roadmap of the form, that feature xyz is going to get integrated into OOo 4.0, while abc is going to get integrated in OOo 5.0, this _is_ a community project where people contribute what they have and what's ready ... What you may mean and what we could (and should) have is a (common) vision where we are heading.

So here is my small vision:
- All OOo is MVC (Model View Controller)
- There are no different applications any more, bust just work approaches, representing the former Calc, Writer etc. applications, internally they are using the same data structures e.g. for tables in Calc as in Writer as in Impress etc., I think you get what I mean. - The API allows objects to be combined in a linear independent way, e.g. creating a text paragraph to be added to various tables, documents, sheets, presentation etc. - The architecture is strictly event driven, including I/O etc. No polling, hanging etc. anymore because of slow or failing I/O. - Everybody is using the new Uno threading model (, avoiding hand crafted thread related programming mostly everywhere. - The GUI is described in a purely declarative language, e.g. as XUL or JavaFX. - The build system uses (GNU) make only, relies on dependencies solely and gives useful progress information ("compiling <module>/source/<foo.cxx>" etc.) only, not cluttering the console anymore. - We have unit tests for (nearly) everything, so that changes can be verified in concise scenarios. - There is in fact no difference between a document and an extension, both can be opened temporarily (file->open) but also be deployed permanently (may be file->install?). - OOo would be available as classic installation sets (.rpm, .deb, msi, ...), but also as apt/source.lst, Java Webstart etc. - There is a marketplace where open source developers as well as commercial entities can offer their services.

Some of the items are in the works or at least people are thinking about them, others may be new. If anybody is interested, I am sure I can come up with more ...

Remember, one of the alleged criticisms was that there was
no roadmap for OOo.  As was pointed out on /. there is are
several road maps, for several different versions, all of
which contradict each other, and some of which are not only
obsolete, but contain information that was never valid to be
begin with.
Many parts of the roadmap(s) are in the heads (fingers?) of the community, and may not (yet) be written down explicitly. I am pretty sure that, if you ask, most people can give you a list of what's coming and what they are thinking about.

what the requirements for the sites are etc.?

I would move everything except for Issuezilla, and the
archives of the mailing lists to a wiki.
That is what I mostly did with the UDK project (, the intro page is checked in to SourceCast, while most of the rest is already located in the wiki. But remember, wiki is just a technique for easy manipulation of documents, and not a religion or so :-)

Existing projects get to create material under the auspices
of the localization project that they are affiliated with.
Each existing project would become a category on the wiki.
Uno for example is already a category, all Uno owned stuff is located under Uno. I tried to outline it's organization in

Disambiguation pages would be used only for things like
"Roadmap" which would point to things like the roadmap for
2.3, 3.0, 4.0, etc.
Please see above ...





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